4 Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Mistake #1 Not Having a Social Media Presence.

Social media sites including the top dogs Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube and the other 160 others considered in the category are a must for participation by network marketers. If you have not created a presence yet, do so, but plan a strategy so you do it right.

Now I'm not recommending you post to all of the social media sites, just the top dogs and perhaps some that you find interesting and perhaps would tie in with you business objectives.

You may already have a presence but on a personal level, which is great. Now you want to leverage that presence so that the time spent can help you get leads for your business. If you spend too much time socializing and not building your business, perhaps you are not serious about building your business?

A network marketer that has not yet opened up accounts is in a good position to leverage them for added traffic generation to their primary business opportunities and other websites.

Mistake #2 Thinking that they are just prospects to recruit into your business.

You want to position yourself as someone who has a lot of value to offer. All your participation and contributions should be with a tone of helpfulness, usefulness, support and sincere desire to know the other people better.

Give help and advice without any expectation to receive anything in return. The last thing you want to do before you develop any kind of "relationship" is to pitch them your business. You will never succeed doing this. This is akin to bugging your friends and family when you first started in MLM. Remember how successful you were?

Be careful because people can read between the lines and know when you are not being genuine. Honesty is the way to go. Don't sabotage your efforts by faking to be someone you're not. And certainly do not have someone else post messages pretending to be you.

Mistake #3 Failure to leverage the power of social media.

Social media is a trend happening right before our eyes. Consumers are no longer interested in being barked at by corporate advertisers. They want to be able to develop a dialogue with the business that they frequent or support if given the opportunity.

Select only several of the top sites. Don't feel you have to have accounts for dozens unless you can monitor and track your leads to see if it's worth it. Avoid setting up accounts with nothing in your profiles. This is a big message that you don't care, so don't bother opening up an account if you're not going to maintain it.

Keep learning about the different features available on the various social media platforms and you will improve your efficiency and skill so that it is not as time consuming as when you first start out.

Mistake #4 Not Posting Frequently

Consistency is key to creating fresh content and keeping your followers engaged. Set up a practice and be disciplined with posting daily. It doesn't have to be a lot, but try to respond to people as much as you post content on your sites.

Add to your profile pages, making them more interactive for your visitors. Do something every day and mix it up. If you are pressed for time or want to be efficient, you can add content to your blog and then have it automatically posted to your social network sites automatically. check out www.ping.fm and www.yoono.com.

Well, there is probably more than four mistakes mentioned above if you read closer. But here is the take away key point: Start now. Do it thoughtfully. Make it meaningful and provide value to others.

Posting messages with the reader in mind is the proper mindset to have in the social media circles because in the end, it benefits both of you.