Do you have to be "special" to be successful in home based businesses?

This is a great question and usually I would say YES! Now why is this you ask?

Well because of the simple fact that 97% of people fail in this industry! But no you don't have to be special, ordinary people just like you and me are joining into home based business opportunities and are achieving amazing results.

But the 3% of people that are achieving have armed themselves with the knowledge of what makes a top home based business that will be profitable for them before they sign on the dotted line and having them spending more money than they will ever make!

Now I hear you asking, what are the hallmarks of a top home based business that won't have me spending more money than I will ever make, and ultimately making me another statistic?? Well first off the main reason is that almost all MLM companies and home based businesses teach out of date and ineffective marketing methods that more importantly don't allow you to leverage your time, such as holding house parties, handing out fliers and having hotel meetings. Now don't get me wrong these methods may have been effective, but that would have been 20 years ago.

So you need to look for an home based business opportunity that teaches up to date marketing such as PPC (Pay Per Click) methods like Google aAdwords, and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) methods like article and press release, MySpace and FaceBook marketing. Also a top home based business opportunity will operate on a G.P.T. system. This simply stands for "Get Paid Today". Lack of positive cash flow is one of the major stumbling blocks for people starting out in a new business, and knowing that you will be paid on sales you make before your company will help to ensure you are able to continue to operate your business.

These are just a couple things to look for when choosing a home based business. So I would like to give you the full run down, the complete picture shall we say. So here is a like to controversial report that I have to say when I read it, it nearly made me fall off the chair. That's because it opened my eyes to the truths about MLM companies and to how not all home based business are created equal!! It's called the Coffee House Letter and it is revolutionizing the way network marketers do business online ... Love it or hate it no-one can read the Coffee House Letter without it profoundly changing the way they view network marketing.