Building a successful network marketing organization can be extremely hard work. It is so hard that a nauseating statistic of 97% fail. If network marketing is so simple and can give you the life you want then why do most fail? Why aren't people living their dream lives? Why do most people involved in network marketing make less than $300 a month? Its always said in network marketing to just follow the MLM system. Well if it is that simple again why are 97% failing.
There are several reasons but the main one is that network marketers really don't know how to market. They use old school methods that just aren't cutting the mustard anymore. If anyone that is involved in this industry truly wants to succeed they need to move their business to the internet. I understand that a lot of MLM'ers don't believe the internet is duplicatable but I beg to differ.
Here is why you want to use a MLM system that is online for your network marketing business opportunity. Since you know what SYSTEM stands for (save yourself time energy & money) then listen up.
1.Your Own Capture page- Helps you to stand out and start branding yourself. People are looking for someone to lead them. If you market a company website then you don't stand out. You don't stand out people don't join you. Plus you don't have to know how to build websites. Real easy to setup with the click of a button.
2. Sales/Marketing Funnel- You don't have to worry about always telling or selling anymore. Let your MLM system do all the work for you. I know being in multi level marketing you always wants to pitch your business but gone are those days. Your marketing system does presentations for you 24/7. How many can you do in a day personally?
3. Autoresponders- Follow up with your prospects without even physically talking to them. A lot of time is wasted in network marketing chasing people down and staying in communication with them. Autoresponders allow you to communicate weekly sometimes daily on autopilot which frees up your time to do money making activities.
4. Funded proposal system- Have you ever got paid of someone that never joined you in business? You can with a well designed MLM system. Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring course really shows how to have a funded proposal system in place. Simply put you sell a product at a low cost that provides value to your prospect. The money you make "funds" your advertising.
There are many more advantages of having a MLM system in place. A huge benefit is that it could open up another residual income opportunity. Keep in mind that none of this is possible if you are still building your business the traditional way. Internet network marketing is the wave of the future and if you don't jump on board you will be left behind.